If you are planning on allocated costs across product dimensions, then it may be better to do these allocations in TM1 and then push them back into IBM Cognos Controller as a journal entry upload. 如果您计划跨产品维度划拨费用,那么在TM1中做这些拨款、然后将它们作为日记账条目上传到IBMCognosController中可能更好。
The FT data measured trends at 13 international banks, examining the proportion of an overall pot comprised of net profits and staff costs allocated three ways: to dividends, staff costs and retained earnings. 英国《金融时报》研究了13家国际银行的情况,将净利润和员工成本加总,然后审视这一加总金额的三种分配方式:红利、员工成本和留存收益。
We have allocated costs equally among all members of the department. 我们将成本平均分摊给部门里的全体成员。
Indeed, tolerances are allocated to achieve optimal ratio between the sum of the manufacturing costs ( tolerances costs) and the risk ( probability of the respect of geometrical requirements and assembly requirements). 公差按照加工成本(公差成本)和风险(满足几何需求和装配需求的概率)之间的最优平衡来分配。
Corporate resources is rationally allocated, operating costs is reduced, as well as economic efficiency is improved. 能够合理配置企业资源,降低运营成本,提高经济效益。